01 March 2010

Monday in food

Hi all! I hope you had a great day. Today, the nice spring weather continued. It is amazing what seeing sunshine outside my blinds in the morning does to my mood compared with the gray, gray, gray of winter. I'm just inspired to move more and even eat healthier! I've been trying to incorporate some sort of dairy into every meal, so this morning I made myself a smoothie with 1 c. buttermilk and about 1/4 c. blueberries. It was so yummy!
Breakfast consisted of two pieces of whole wheat toast spread with butter and Marmite, coffee and my blueberry/buttermilk smoothie. I was a little worried I would be hungry after finishing my toast, but the smoothie was satisfying. Lunch on Mondays is always a little early anyway.
For lunch, I cut tons of veggies, zucchini, peppers and cucumbers and dipped them in one of those snack packs of hummus that Costco sells. That was my first time trying the hummus from Costco and I have to say, it was wonderful! The package comes with lots of little "snack packs" so portion control is easy. Alongside, I had three Carr whole wheat crackers and about 1/2 c. greek yogurt. I'm not quite sure how I feel about the greek yogurt. It seems a little sweet to me. I don't know if it is just me, but I like my yogurt more tart. I do like the thicker texture of it though.
For dinner, I had a salad with spinach, cucumbers and peppers which I dressed with olive oil, balsamic vinegar and a sprinkling of course Hawaiian salt for some added crunch and saltiness.
Asparagus isn't quite in season yet, but I couldn't resist. I LOVE asparagus and can't wait until I can find some locally. I sauteed this asparagus in a little olive oil until slightly crunchy and drizzled it with balsamic vinegar. To cook the chicken breasts, I put them in a Pyrex and covered them with a can of cream of mushroom soup and a can of milk then baked them in a 375 degree F oven for about 1 1/2 hours. I thought the sauce was going to thicken, but it was more like the chicken breasts poached in the liquid. The liquid was unsalvageable, but the chicken breasts turned out good. I served them over a spinach fettuccine. I ate all of my veggies, but I guess I underestimated just how big my spinach salad was! I couldn't finish my chicken or the fettuccine and ate about half of each.
I couldn't forget my serving of dairy with dinner. 1 c. nonfat milk. After dinner, I was able to go for a lovely 40 minute walk. The weather is exceptionally nice for the first of March and although I wore my heavy coat, I got pretty warm halfway through.

Have a good evening everyone! It's supposed to rain here tomorrow so I'm already thinking of what I can do for exercise. I may have to pull out my Pilates DVD again. Even though I hate doing exercise videos and would much prefer to go for a walk, I could always use the excuse to work on my abs. My abs ALWAYS could use the help! :)


  1. A blueberry smoothie sounds wonderful! I have not tried a smoothie with buttermilk yet.

  2. Yummy smoothie!!!! I haven't made one in such a long time. Somehow smoothies remind me of summer. maybe i should make some to get me out of this winter rut.

  3. I don't like the spring. ;--+ This is a season I feel almost all the time under the weather...
    I couldn't resist the asparagus either! They are not only healthy, but also very delicious. Blueberry smoothie for the breakfast...mmmm....heavenly!

  4. I adore asparagus too. This looks like a good and healthy way to start the week!

  5. Delicious breakfast fresh and healthy! Blue berry smoothie is now in my wish list.

  6. Spring where you are? It's still freezing here in the East Cost :(

    Do you have the recipe for the smoothie? everything looks very yummy :)

  7. My mom used to make something like that chicken you made only she would only use maybe 1/4 of the can of milk. Just enough to loosen the cream of mushroom soup.

    I think she put basil in it and might have sprinkled breadcrumbs on it too. Heh, of course she probably did it all kinds of different ways. She's like that.

  8. I see colors, lot of beautiful colors and healthy dishes.

    The smoothie with blueberries is a great way to begin the day :)

    Have a great week,

  9. Good, healthy food!

    Here, spring has also arrived...



  10. Your meals today were far more sensible than mine. I try but... Have a great day.

  11. I have read that milk and dairy products (in moderation) are great for a weight loss. Nice choices.

  12. This all looks fabulous (and healthy) but I can't help but notice you forgot the wine. GREG

  13. I never tried buttermilk in my smoothies. That must be so good and taste different.

  14. My favorite day - I'll pass the milk andhave a glass of wine instead!

  15. Your day of eating looks delicious to me...and I too cannot resist asparagus. It is my very favorite vegetable!
