23 February 2010

Petit déjeuner

After a few weeks of having sick kids in the house, I was afraid last night that my body was bowing to the inevitable with a slight itchy feeling in my lungs (hack, hack). But after a good night's sleep, a bright sunny day on the horizon and a rockin' breakfast, I feel ready to take on anything! This morning I had a two egg whites omelette sprinkled with a little feta cheese, a piece of whole wheat toast spread with 1/2 tsp. butter and a little bit of Marmite (I know, I can see why some people would find that disgusting, but I just LOVE IT), grapefruit, 1 c. 2% milk and coffee. Bring it on!


  1. Marmite, huh? Well, you can have my portion of that. ;)

  2. That looks like quite a nutritious and balanced breakfast!

  3. You're back! Love the new photo. Oh, and I'll be over for breakfast tomorrow. ;)

  4. Lovely petite dejeuner. The French eat breakfast so frugally compared to Americans. Well done and again, it's nice to have you back.

  5. Egg white omelet is our favorite, sounds great with the addition of feta! I love Marmite but you know I never actually had in the United States.

  6. love to have wholesome breakfast like this, the best thing is this is so simple and ready in under 15 minutes, i hope everyone is feeling good now,

  7. I've never been a fan of Marmite, but people love it. Great breakfast though.

  8. I've been scared to try marmite ever since a horror story my first husband told me. He thought it was jam, and smeared lots of it on bread. He said it was awful but was in company that he felt compelled to eat it all. Ha!

    Have I told you...I am so glad you are back!!
