22 February 2010

Portion Control

How big are your dishes? After Thanksgiving, I splurged and bought myself a new set of dishes and glasses. I had been searching and searching for a set with a small cereal bowl and small glasses. Do you know how hard that is to find? It's amazing how your attitude changes toward portion control when you see a small glass filled to the top rather than a large glass with the same amount in it only 1/2 full. Suddenly, the same portion seems appropriate or even large instead of skimpy. Did you notice my milk glass filled to the top? It has exactly 1 c. of milk in it. What does 1c. of milk look like in your glasses?

In addition to portion control this week, I'm also focusing on more variety at breakfast. This morning, 2/3 cup shredded wheat, 3/4 cup blueberries, 1 c. 2%milk and coffee.

Lunch: Celery filled with cream cheese, grapes, whole wheat bread smeared with peanut butter and 1c. nonfat milk. I served myself on a salad plate to visually make the portions seem larger to my eyes while my mind still knew I was practicing control.

Yesterday I went for a lovely walk in the sun. It's amazing what the sun does to rejuvenate my attitude towards walking!


  1. Yeah, that's one of the thing I learned a few years ago when I was going through my weightloss phase. Portion control really does help as well as eating slow. It help get you full faster.

  2. Ugh, portion control is my biggest problem. Followed closely by exercise. ;)

  3. Great post Joie! I agree with you about the size of the dishes. Glad you had a good walk!

  4. I lost all sense of portion control during our holiday vacation when I just let myself go at the breakfast buffet. I'm trying to regain some of it back but it's been slow going. [Sigh] But I'll keep at it.

    I'm waiting for it to get a little bit warmer here before we can resume our walks - I wish Spring would hurry up and get here already!

  5. Good point on the size of the dishes relating to portion control. I think I should probably be serving my daughter's portions in the large dishes in hopes she'll eat more. The opposite for me :)

  6. Oh this is so true! I love my enormous red plates but I'm trying to eat off my son's little plates when we have lunch! :) Glad to see you back!
