19 February 2010


It has been so long since I've posted I've almost forgotten how! I desperately needed the break from blogging as I had forgotten my true motivation for it and had lost the passion.

Here in the Pacific Northwest, we have endured weeks upon weeks of gray skies. Two days ago, the wind picked up and blew out those nasty clouds allowing the sun to peek through. It's amazing what seeing the sun again can do for one's psyche! Unfortunately, I have had two sick little men (taking turns of course) for the better part of a week now and haven't been able to leave the house much, but the sunshine streaming in through the windows has been sublime and promises that spring is coming soon. Our cat has taken to curling up under the window in sunny spots she finds. I personally think she has found a wonderful indoor pursuit.

With the sun, I've noticed the return of birds! The boys and I put out some seed for them this past weekend as their winter stores are dwindling quickly at this point. I'm sure they are looking forward to the return of spring as much as I am.


  1. It's nice to have you back, even for a brief moment. We've been luckly in LA this week to get a couple sunny days. But today the clouds came rolling in once again. I surely can't wait for spring to bounce right in.

  2. I am anxious for spring on the East coast - and your photo is a nice reminder that it will get here ... eventually! Good to hear from you again, and hope all is well.

  3. Still winter wonderland here in DC area although it is sunny and the snow is slowly starting to melt :) Glad to see you online!

  4. Welcome back. I've missed you. Looking forward to more posts.

  5. Oh my...I was posting and emailing all about blogdom looking for you....was worried. Glad you are back but I can so totally understand! It comes and goes with me....the need to publicly journal. Mostly I privately journal but my passion in the kitchen...now that is a public affair! Grin.
