31 March 2010

Crock Pot Beef Stroganoff

This is a super easy recipe that yields fall apart tender Beef Stroganoff.  Enjoy!

Crock Pot Beef Stroganoff by Joie de vivre


4 c. beef cubes (1 cut up an arm pot roast)
1 10.5 oz. can of cream of mushroom soup
1 c. sour cream
1 Tbls. instant clear gel (optional)


1.  Place the beef cubes in the crock pot insert.
2.  Add the cream of mushroom soup and stir until beef cubes are coated
3.  Cover, and set crock pot on LOW for 8-10 hours
4.  Before serving, stir in the sour cream.  If you would like your stroganoff thicker, stir in the instant clear gel.  Serve over noodles.


  1. Sounds great. In fact it looks almost just like the stroganoff my mom used to make!

  2. I don't know why I don't think to make this more often...it looks so good!

  3. Oh I just found out hubby is gone next week, so I am making this! He does not care for it, but I will have it all to myself *evil laugh* You can come over :)

  4. in a crock pot? no way!!
    i love stroganoff. what makes yours less brown than some others out there?

  5. My hubby will absolutely love this..looks perfect

  6. Looks sooo comforting! And in a crock pot too, perfect!!!

  7. Looks amazing great! Believe it or not, I have not cooked beef before in my entire life:P

  8. Joy...what a delightfully easy recipe for beef stroganoff. I must try this version. Sounds yummy.

  9. I enjoy beef strohganoff but what is instant gel? (sorry if that's a dumb question)

  10. I would definitely love this beef Stroganoff (and with plenty plenty of asparagus! ).
    Happy Easter!

  11. Now I'm hungry for Strognoff. I haven't had it in years. Looks like I better do something about that.

    Hope you and your family have a lovely weekend.

  12. I so need a dish of this! Creamy, saucy, meaty goodness on noodles is a perfect meal, especially one so easy to make. 8-)

  13. to have a stronger Stroganoff you can add mustard from Dijon that's just great !! PIerre from France

  14. So hearty and comforting! I'm getting a new crock pot this week! I can't wait. I'm just wondering - does yours give off a lot of heat?

  15. I'm always looking for a good crock-pot recipe. It has all the ingredients we like!

  16. This looks like a wonderful dish to have at the end of a long day...just like a reward! Yummy.

  17. Great looking dish - stroganoff is a favorite amongst my family, this is a great easy way to do it!

  18. I love crock pot dinners. This one looks like a winner

  19. This does look good. Where are you my friend...is all alright? Bet you are busy with this last 'long haul' after Easter now and on til the end of the school term. Take care my friend.

  20. Sounds like it's easy to make and really looks delicious!

  21. Love the idea of using crockpot, just reminded me that I should use mine :-) Like this recipe...simple ans yet delicious!

  22. I cooked a huge family dinner yesterday so am ready for something tasty and easy. I haven't made stroganoff in ages so this is perfect for today's dinner.

  23. This looks so good,i can`t wait to make my own!

  24. hello I love bieuf stroganoff but if I remember well there was mustard in the original recipe

  25. I saw the photo and first thing that came on my mind was - that's a complicated recipe... Then I check your comment ..."super easy recipe"... and a smile came on my face :). I know what we'll have for a dinner today! Thanks for idea! Looks delicious!

  26. Saw your profile on another page. Glad I read your blog. Look forward to following you here. Cheers!

  27. Are you getting the new French Women Dont Get Fat Cookbook? I am and can't wait to try the recipes out!

  28. Miam ... did the two little red elfs that I see on the right enjoy these delicious dishes?

  29. Mmmmm, this looks so delicious!

  30. Stroganhoff is something I just don't make often enough. Who knew you could make it in a crockpot...fabulous!

  31. never made it before but it sounds easy! can I add veggies?

  32. i love stroganoff beef I use though dijon mustard to get a strong flavour ! Pierre de Paris

  33. Oh how I love a quick and easy strogonoff. Looks amazing.

    New follower here.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner?

  34. I love stroganoff. I like the idea of slow cooking it in the crock pot, the meat must be so much more tender.
