13 March 2010

Saturday in Food plus a Buckwheat Pilaf recipe

Hi all!  I hope you all had glorious and restful Saturdays.  The kids were at Grandma's today so hubby and I were able to have a lazy morning catching up on missed T.V. shows.  Ah, bliss.

Breakfast:  For breakfast, I had a bowl of Julie Anne's Sweet Citrus granola.  More to come on this granola later, but it was good with just 2% milk on top.  Coffee and water rounded things out.

For lunch, I cut up one of the leftover venison steaks from a few nights ago and put it on a spinach salad dressed with Ranch dressing.  I also had quite a hunk of my whole wheat Irish soda bread and some butter.  Yummy!

Dinner was pork tenderloin, some buckwheat pilaf that I made in the pressure cooker, cut up watermelon and some sauteed mushrooms with a little bit of sauteed spinach added.

Aren't they pretty?

For dessert:  Two citrus granola chocolate chip cookies from Julie Anne's granola

I impressed myself with the buckwheat pilaf.  I have never been a buckwheat fan before, but I've always bought the toasted kind.  I read somewhere that the toasted buckwheat can be an acquired taste and if you're not into it, to try the raw.  I liked it a lot better!  And the pressure cooker made cooking it so easy. I'll share the recipe I made below.  Enjoy!

Buckwheat Pilaf by Joie de vivre
*This has a slight Asian bent to it to go with the pork tenderloin which was teriyaki flavored*


1 c. raw buckwheat groats
1 Tbls. olive oil
1 Tbls. shoyu
1 Tbls. toasted sesame seeds
1 3/4 c. water
1/2 tsp. salt (to taste)


1.  In your pressure cooker, combine all ingredients except salt and water and stir to coat the buckwheat throughly with the oil.  
2.  Add the water and stir.  Place the lid on the pressure cooker and lock into place.  Place over high heat.
3.  Once pressure is reached, lower the heat and cook for 5 minutes.
4.  Turn off the heat and let the pressure come down naturally (don't do the quick release method)  It should take about 7 minutes to release pressure.
5.  Take off the lid, fluff and adjust the seasoning with salt as desired.


  1. There are those venison steaks again... I am jealous! The breakfast sounds great. Great job sticking with the healthy food :-)

  2. I love buckwheat. Especially because they are called groats. Nice looking soda bread!

  3. I have never eaten buck wheat. Agood alternative to rice?

    To answer this.

    I just heard that the Scottish government is petitioning the United States Department of Agriculture to lift a ban on exporting haggis to the United States. I had no idea there was a ban. Something about a food safety issue dealing with haggis from the 1970's! Anyway, that is why it's hard to find in the U.S. Does Britain have the same ban?'

    There is to my knowlege free movement of food in the UK Ireland and Europe and even the far East. There are a lot of restrictions between the UK and USA. We don't import any of your meat as the use of hormones is banned here (a bit of a joke considering the recent BSE thing) Crops are banned because of GM. I know meat and dairy cannot be brought into the US from the UK eother. I will be interested to know how the haggis thing works. You can make your own. I have always meant to give it a go. I can buy haggis in Ireland but it's made from pork which doesn't do. It should be made from lamb/mutton. The best haggis is to be had in Scotland x

  4. I would love to try your buckwheat pilaf! And yes, the cookies look very pretty!

  5. Hmmmm I hve yet to eat buckwheat groats. I need to get on the ball!!

  6. Great menu. Love the buckwheat pilaf!

  7. I have so much buckwheat (my mom always brings), and this pilaf sounds like a great recipe to make with it! Thanks!

  8. I've also never been a buckwheat fan - it always tastes a bit too handknitted to me! But I like the sound of the flavouring you've used in this one!

  9. Wait wait wait.....so I'm doing this wrong. I sent my wife away for the weekend and kept the kids. CRAP! NOW I get it;)

    Looks like the two of you ate well while the rugrats were away.

  10. Sounds liek a great day... Aren't Grannies great!

  11. yummy yummy! i love any plate with mushrooms on it!!!
    those citrus granola choc chip cookies sound divine!

  12. What a lovely little Saturday! I've really been into trying new whole grains so I will certainly be adding your buckwheat pilaf to my list. I'm crazy about barely right now. Yum....

    Best, Emily

  13. What a lovely menu for 2. Everything sounds so delicious.

  14. Looks like the two of you had a wonderful weekend.

  15. Oh! I have some buckwheat and will try you "Asian" version :-) Sounds and looks good!

  16. I just saw some buckwheat at the mideastern store and was thinking "i ought to buy these"; I wish I had!

  17. I have an allergy to buckwheat, but my family will love these. I love how fast and simple they are to make.
