06 March 2010

Saturday in Food

Today was so good for the soul! The sun was out, I got some time to myself this morning while my mother in law watched my youngest, I got a super cute haircut and got to spend quality time with my youngest. My husband and oldest were off skiing so my youngest and I had a quiet but great day.

For breakfast I noshed on 1 c. shredded wheat, 1 c. 2%milk, a pear and coffee.
Lunch was basically a repeat of last night. I had a bowl of Two Color Broccoli, Cauliflower, and Sweet Potato Soup (I could only eat about half, I got full!), a toasted piece of challah spread with a little butter and Marmite, some raw veggies with half of a snacker pack of Costco hummus, and 1 c. kefir.
There is a large hill masquerading as a small mountain in our town that my youngest and I walked today. It's about a mile or so up to the top and walking up it is quite a popular past time in our town. We walked up for about 10 minutes until the little one got tired, then turned around. It's the experience right?

While we are in no means near Hollywood, I swear I saw this Vanessa Redgrave walking up the mountain while we were going down. Spitting image of her at least!

For dinner, my youngest and I headed to IHOP. He wanted pancakes and I wanted not to cook. I hadn't been to IHOP in a couple of months. I was so proud of them for their effort to promote healthier eating!!! They have a new section of their menu called IHOP for me. All of the things on the IHOP for me menu were under 600 calories and had more fruits and vegetables and whole grains. I chose the Spinach, Mushroom and Tomato Omelette with fruit which IHOP said weighed in at 350 calories. It was made out of egg beaters and was surprisingly big. It was chock full of spinach and mushrooms. I could have done with a side of turkey bacon, but whatever. :) I was just glad we were able to enjoy a nice meal out without it undoing my good food day.


  1. kudos for going to ihop and not getting pancakes! not sure i could have done that. :)

  2. If i had seen Vanessa Redgrave i would have been doing backflips! She is my idol! Poor thing, she lost her daughter a year ago.
    Anyway, your meal sound as healthy as they come. congrat!

  3. I love IHOP. I used to go there once a week just to get me a short stack of buttermilk pancakes. Yum!!

  4. IHOP IHOP IHOP!!! a very nice end to a Saturday! i must try to make that gorgeous soup too!

  5. Wow I never see anyone famous up here. OK maybe Sarah Palin but ew I'd have to go hang out at walmart-yuck. Looks like you had a grand day!

  6. iHop is terrific for kids... What a great day for you two (and the hubby and his charge as well... great times)

  7. I love Vanessa Redgrave .. what an incredible actress.
    (no wine on Saturdays?)

  8. What a wonderful day and special because you spent it with your youngest. One on one time is good for everyone. Your lunch looks so delicious.

  9. Sounds good. Love all the food on your menu for the day. I don't frequent IHOP as I am not fond of pancakes. But if you can get good brekkies and lunch dishes like that...I am all for it! Good luck girl.

  10. IHOP...good for you :-)

    I was thinking of you these past few days. You do so well with the food journal and I was in Tarpon Springs, drooling over all this marvelous fattening Greek treats. But I was good.

  11. Okay, we will have to chat. I don't know why but I always thought you were west coast. Looked at your profile and I think you are fairly close to me! :) Anyway, this weekend was wonderful!

  12. Hey yah never know. It could have been her.

    That duo colored soup looks very good.
