05 March 2010

My Friday in Food

Hi Everyone! I had a great Friday in Food. I must confess, I almost caved today and went to McDonald's because the afternoon was so busy, BUT I regained my joie de vivre and served myself a glorious lunch instead. Thanks to all of you for keeping me honest! For breakfast, I was not very hungry. I think the fish from last night was still with me! So I served myself two pieces lite whole wheat toast with butter and Marmite spread on them, about 8 walnut halves, coffee, and 1 1/2 c. smoothie made from 2 c. kefir and 1/2 c. triple berry blend from Schwan's.
Now, doesn't this lunch look WAY better than McDonald's? I had my Rock Island Stuffed Tilapia leftovers from our dinner at Red Lobster last night, a salad of romaine lettuce and grape tomatoes dressed with olive oil and vinegar, two cracked pepper Triscuits (I got full and didn't eat all 4), 1/2 c. cottage cheese for some dairy, and a glass of water.
For dinner: A bowl of Two Color Broccoli, Cauliflower and Sweet Potato Soup with a cheesy crouton, 1/2 c. cottage cheese with a pineapple ring, 4 sticks of celery spread thinly with cream cheese, and about 1/2 glass of wine that had gone past it's prime sitting on our counter. Everything ROCKED except the wine past it's prime.

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. a half a glass of wine would never last week at my house... Beautiful soup presentation! GREG

  2. Yeah! You resisted mc'd's that is hard. Really. Their siren calls get me sometime, but I never feel like I have spoiled myself. I always end up feeling dissappointed...you know? You go!

  3. Hi Joie,
    I am inspired to see such a delicious weight loss menu.

  4. No doubt about it, your lunch looks way better than McDonalds :-).

  5. Your meals actually look very good. I also like how you are posting about your "days" in food. It does keep us honest, does't it?

  6. Come now... Our kind does not stoop to McDonalds... once every 6 months is my limit

    and look at what you did!

    And when life gives you bad wine, make risotto!

  7. Good job avoiding McD's. The blog looks lovely.

  8. Your lunch is so fresh and healthy looking! And what a gorgeous soup! I would love it if you shared the recipe.

  9. OH! I wanted to say I found marmite up here. Weird but I happened across it a few months ago and contemplated buying it but passed it by for ponzu instead.

  10. Hi! You have such a healthy lifestyle! And so delicious too.
