05 March 2010

Two Color Broccoli, Cauliflower, Sweet Potato Soup with Cheese Croutons

The only downside to this recipe...two pots to clean. Otherwise, a tasty, colorful and healthy way to get your veggies! Oh, and the cheese croutons help too. :)

Two Color Broccoli, Cauliflower, Sweet Potato Soup with Cheese Croutons by Joie de Vivre
Serves 4

*Note* this is really two separate recipes that you will be making simultaneously. I will write out the ingredients and directions for each recipe, but they will be made simultaneously so that they will be ready at the same time.

Cauliflower Soup

Ingredients for Cauliflower Soup:

1-2 Tbls. olive oil
1 onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 head cauliflower, florets removed and chopped roughly
2 c. chicken stock
1 tsp. salt
1/2 sweet potato, cut thinly

Directions for Cauliflower Soup:

1. In a medium soup pot over medium heat, add the olive oil.
2. To the heated olive oil, add the onion and saute until translucent.
3. Add the minced garlic and saute for 30 seconds until fragrant
4. Add the cauliflower, chicken stock, salt and sweet potato.
5. Bring to a boil, lower the heat, partially cover, and simmer for 20 minutes until all of the vegetables are tender.
6. Puree the soup with an immersion blender.

Broccoli Soup

Ingredients for Broccoli Soup:

1-2 Tbls. olive oil
1 onion, diced
1 clove garlic, minced
1 head broccoli, all of the crowns removed and chopped roughly
1/2 sweet potato, sliced thinly
1 tsp. salt
2 c. chicken stock

Directions for Broccoli Soup:

1. Heat 1-2 Tbls. olive oil in medium soup pot over medium heat.
2. Add the onion and cook until translucent.
3. Add the garlic and cook 30 seconds until fragrant.
4. Add the broccoli, sweet potato, salt and chicken stock.
5. Bring to a boil, lower heat, partially cover and simmer for 20 minutes until all of the vegetables are tender.
6. Puree soup with an immersion blender.

*To serve* Place 1 c. cauliflower soup in a pouring container, place 1 c. broccoli soup in a second pouring container. Pour simultaneously into a bowl so they don't mix. Enjoy!

Cheesy Croutons:


1 loaf french bread or challah
1-2 Tbls. shredded cheddar cheese for each toast

Directions: (complete while waiting for veggies in soups to cook)

1. Slice loaf of bread into 1 inch thick pieces.
2. Place slices of bread on a sheet pan and place under broiler until slightly toasted.
3. Place 1-2 Tbls. shredded cheddar cheese on each slice of bread and place back under the broiler for about 2 minutes until the cheese is melted and bubbly. Serve with Two Color Broccoli, Cauliflower and Sweet Potato Soup!


  1. Two soups for one dinner. I'd dig into that!! (along with a bunch of those cheesy croutons).

    Oh glad you didn't cave with going to McDonald's. Not that it's a bad thing. I'd go for their fries any day. hahaha...

  2. Yummy soups... I think would just make one though (I'll get too stressed out to get both done at the same time) I like the creativity and the colors...never made soup with sweet potatoes...I guess I will soon. Thanks

  3. That's a beautiful soup, and the croutons sound great!

  4. Oh this looks delish. I have a recipe for a cauliflower soup, that you finish with shaved parm and truffle. It starts with bacon but only 2 slices for the pot (serves about 6 huge bowls) I used the low fat bacon so not bad. It tastes far more decadent than it is.

  5. These sound great, I love pureed soups. Great presentation too!

  6. Recipe found! This is so clever! They both sound so yummy - I just bet their wonderful together.

  7. Wonderful soups! I would love a bowl of each right now, would so help with my cold!

  8. Two colors and amazing flavors- I love it! And your blog looks so pretty! Keep up the awesome work!
