04 March 2010

Thursday in Food

Hi all! I hope you had a great day. Besides having to take my comforter back to the laundromat again (yes, the cat did her business on it again!) I had a wonderful day. The sun was out and I was able to get out for a 15 minute walk this morning and a 45 minute walk this afternoon. Nothing like some time to yourself in the sunshine when you are a mom. Breakfast gave me the energy to get up and go. I had 1 c. smoothie made from 1 banana, 1/4 c. Schwan's triple berry blend and 1 c. nonfat milk. It was good, but I've come to the conclusion I'm not hot about banana in my smoothie. I'd much rather eat them by themselves. I also had a two-egg white omelette, two pieces of lite whole wheat toast spread with some butter and Marmite.
Now, for a confession. A few weeks ago, while I was spreading Marmite on my toast, my husband noticed that my jar of Marmite had expired Dec '08. Since I had been using it all this time (it lasts FOREVER!) I kept on using it but started out on a search for a new jar. The grocery store where I had originally bought it had stopped carrying it, so I searched Amazon. They were charging $5.95 for a jar, and $9.99 for shipping! The boys and I went on a quest around town today and were able to find a jar at the health food store. God bless vegetarians and their Vitamin B deficiencies! I should have started there first.
While at the health food store, I picked up some kefir. I've been making my own kefir, but it takes so long to make, 24 hours inoculation and then another 8 in the fridge. I decided to give this pre-packaged kefir a go. I sampled it with my lunch. While good, I am not totally convinced it is worth the $4.65 price tag as I can make it by the gallon for much less. But in a pinch, it is a good alternative.
Lunch: This was one of my kiddo's lunches, a peanut butter and honey sandwich, zucchini, carrots and celery with some peanut butter to dip in, 1/2 sliced banana. While they didn't eat all of their veggies, they ate some of them to which I was impressed.
My lunch was 1 c. kefir, 5 Suzie's thin cakes, 2 pieces turkey lunch meat, red peppers, celery, zucchini, carrots and cauliflower with hummus to dip in, and some grapes. Yum!
For dinner tonight, we went to Red Lobster. I forgot my camera, but this is a picture from their online menu. I had the Rock Island Stuffed Tilapia with a side of broccoli (no potato) and milk. I also started with a Caesar salad but only ate about a third as the dressing was WAY too rich. It felt like mayonnaise in my mouth. Hubby liked his Caesar though so that was good. I'm not sure I'll "hurry back" to Red Lobster as the meal for our family of four cost $61! But it was a pleasant meal and I didn't have to cook or do the dishes which was a plus.

Have a great evening everyone!

Some of my food for the day


  1. I have never actually tried Marmite or kefir before! I should give them a shot. Tonight is usually Pizza Thursday but the hubs and I had Chinese food for lunch - so austerity measures kicked in for dinner. 8-)

  2. Lovely, healthy, lunch! I agree with you about the cost of going out, although a nice break our last restaurant check was 91 dollars for the four of us. (the sad part was I could of done a better job)

  3. You know, I've actually never been to Red Lobster. I do like the sound of stuffed tilapia though. Heh.

    That's rough about your cat. We're lucky that neither of our cats does their business anywhere but the box. My brother has one that now lives in a very large cage because she wouldn't stop going everywhere. :/

  4. You know I've always wanted to try marmite. I hear it's pretty good from some people I know who have lived in the UK. I'm tempted just to get myself a jar just to give it a try.

  5. wow! I learn something each time I visit a blog; I don't know what this marmite is, other than a pot in French!

  6. Good to read todays food as well.Never tried kefir .Love the breakfast platter I wish I could be like you but I always put it off for later.

  7. Wow...
    What a healthy menu...I have been trying very hard to go that way.
    I just lost 20lbs and so did my husband by working out...Now, we need to get the healthy food.

    It is hard for the transformation, but I am getting there.

  8. Wow. what a healthy menu.
    My husband and I just lost 20lbs from working out. We are trying to change out diet..
    IT is kinda working. I have horrible meals and good meals. I found some incredible cookbooks.

    I am trying..Your lifestyle is inspirational

  9. Silly question...is Marmite the new branding for vegimite?

    Okay you have me very intrigued with the kiefer. I love kiefer, I havent' made it, and the price of it offends me, so it is a rare treat. If the recipe isn't complicated can you send it to me?

  10. You also eat cauliflowers raw?
    Celery with peanut butter....mmm....I must give it a try too!

  11. I've seen Marmite in Wegmans, should pick it up this weekend. Wonder if my daughter would like it.

  12. Gosh I hate it when salads are drowned in dressing - it's a pity as it doesn't need to be that way! As for marmite, I really must pick some up. I'm a huge fan of vegemite on toast - would be curious to see how similar they are.

  13. Ah, that marmite ...
    I used to spread this on my toast as well. I miss it sometimes. I better go and get one soon.

    Have a wonderful weekend,

  14. I'm so glad you were able to find a local source for your marmite. I never acquired a taste for it but one of my daughters loves it. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
