03 March 2010

Wednesday in food

I had the HARDEST time dragging myself out of bed this morning. The alarm went off at 6:30 am and I laid in bed listening to NPR until I FINALLY got out of bed at 7:10 am. So when I arrived in the kitchen, I had a similar difficult time deciding what to eat. I think my brain was still under the covers. I finally decided on 1/2 c. oatmeal, 1 c. 2% milk, 1/8 c. Schwan's triple berry blend, a banana and a cup of nectar from heaven (coffee). Oatmeal is really not an attractive food is it? But it does keep one going through the morning so I look past it's ugly interior to the good heart it has.

Lunch was so good! Two hard boiled eggs, romaine lettuce salad with grape tomatoes dressed with olive oil and vinegar, 1/2 c. nonfat cottage cheese for dairy, and two Carr crackers. I know the picture shows three, but being the self-sacrificing mom I am, I gave one of the crackers to my boys. I know, heart of gold.

Dinner was one of those Gordon's fisherman garlic butter fish fillets served on about 1/2 c. teff porridge with a side salad of cooked zucchini and carrot dressed with some Bragg's Liquid Aminos and 1/2 c. Greek yogurt. Have you ever made teff? It was really quite easy. Bring 2 c. water to boil, add 1/2 c. teff, cover and simmer gently for 20 minutes. It was easy and a fun way to eat different grains.
It's getting late here all so I'm off to bed. Have a great day! See you tomorrow.


  1. same thing happened to me this morning, too. I couldn't get out of bed. I blame it on the weather. hahaha...

  2. The morning's slow start makes me feel better about dragging about this morning. Is it me or has it been difficult to wake up since the New Year? Love the healthy breakfast/lunch/dinner. Is the photo at the bottom your yogurt you used for the fish? The fish looks quite good.

  3. You didn't had much lunch...very light and healthy. I could have eaten at least 5, maybe 6 crackers. How did you spend the afternoon without any snack?

  4. Nectar from heaven...its funny...cuz its true!! :)

  5. I keep thinking I want boiled eggs and just forget, thanks for the reminder!

    I love the story and mine would never have asked for the crackers, they would have just gone MIA when I turned my head, lol!

  6. Thank you for sharing your food day with us. You eat a well balanced diet.. any snacks?

  7. Looks like you are one day closer to your goal. You make your food look so pretty. I'll bet that's a motivator.

  8. Heh, I couldn't get out of bed today either. Until my cats decided it was time to eat, which means it's also time to harass me. Heh.

  9. I hate mornings in general. I've never made teff before, so thanks for the tip!

  10. I am so blessed to have a well behaved boy - I credit myself since I am the one teaching around here..I love braggs - I use it often...looks like some good nutritious victuals.

  11. Thanks so much for all your support. BTW, your new picture is adorable. Love the hair (loved it shorter too).

  12. Yes, getting up in the morning it is the hardest thing for me as well...luckily it is almost weekend :-)

  13. I always end up eating the same thing for breakfast. Peanut butter toasts. I sometimes eat oatmeal for lunch. I like it a lot with a little bit of maple syrup.

  14. yep it happens to me always:)..getting out of bed in the morning specially in winter season is the most difficult thing i do in the whole day..hahaha..

    Love your breakfast though..
