23 September 2010

Creamy Carrot Soup made Healthier (Potage Crécy)

The local farmer's market is coming to a close in a few weeks.  The summer fruits are slowly being replaced by root vegetables and winter squashes.  This year, I am trying to adopt a better attitude to the changing of the seasons.  This means instead of looking at those root vegetables with disdain because they aren't summer fruits, I'm going to embrace them!  Yesterday, carrots and sweet potatoes looked really good at the market, so I made them into this sweet soup.  I made it early in the day, refrigerated it and served it cold along with a piece of whole wheat bread smeared with peanut butter.  It was a yummy, healthy way to herald the first day of autumn.

I worked from Mark Bittman's recipe for Potage Crécy found in his cookbook titled The Best Recipes in the World but made it a little healthier to suit my needs.  Enjoy!

Creamy Carrot Soup (Potage Crécy) by Joie de vivre
Makes 4 hearty servings


1 1/2 Tbls. olive oil
1 small onion (4.5 oz.), chopped
1 lb. carrots, peeled and chopped
1 small sweet potato (6.75 oz.), peeled and chopped
1 tomato, chopped (don't worry about peeling or seeding)
1 tsp. salt (more or less to taste)
pepper to taste
2 tsp. sugar
4 c. chicken stock
1 c. water
1/2 c. light sour cream


1.  Place a large saucepan over medium heat and add the olive oil.  Add the onion, carrots, sweet potato, tomato, salt, pepper and sugar.  Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally, about 15 minutes until the vegetables start to break down.  If the vegetables start to stick to the bottom of the pan, lower the heat slightly and add 1/4 c. water.
2.  When the vegetables are tender, add the stock and 1 c. water.  Raise the heat to high and bring the soup to a boil.  Once the soup is boiling, lower the heat to low and gently simmer the soup for 15 minutes.
3.  Using an immersion blender, puree the soup until completely smooth.  Place the soup in the refrigerator and refrigerate until cold.
4.  When ready to serve, stir in the sour cream.  Serve cold.


  1. Oh yum - carrot soup with sour cream. Love it!

  2. That soup looks really good, I have never used sweet potatos in soup before...good idea for sweetness...thanks for sharing:D

  3. This carrot soup looks amazing - so creamy and delicious!

  4. This looks super healthy and fresh. :) I want a soup like that right now. Especially the weather getting really chilly here in Toronto. Sometimes it can be crazy hot too. I miss drinking carrot soup :( Spare me a bowl!!!


  5. Love this recipe; must taste so creamy good.

  6. I'll have to really work on embracing the root vegetables. It really is a gorgeous colored soup.

  7. I recently fell in love with the fresh baby carrots at my farmer's market...I'll have to try a soup now, too! Looks wonderful!

  8. i wish i had an immersion blender to make this yummy soup! i've only ever had it once in a restaurant... and its been on my mind forever!

  9. Oh I love this. I've never added tomato myself, wonder why, it makes perfect sense :D

  10. yes Bravo Potage Crécy is famous in france and so good !!pierre

  11. I've always loved carrot soup, this one looks especially good!

  12. Regular carrot soup isn't healthy enough already? ha ha

    Either way, yours looks great. It's getting to be that time of year, isn't it?

  13. I just made a curry carrot soup and it was wonderful too! So easy and simple. It's great for fall.

  14. This soup looks delicious. It would certainly be welcome at our table on this rather nippy Monday.


  15. Deliciously healthy soup you got there. I've been in a soup kick myself. I guess it's me trying to think of the fall weather that's been M.I.A lately.

  16. mmmm I can just taste the creaminess, sounds amazing! this would be a great starter for Thanksgiving dinner : )

  17. Yummy!
    what a delicious recipe! I wanna take it tasty!


  18. hi there many thanks for your comment on my food blog See you sson !!Pierre

  19. The addition of the sweet potatoes must add another level of sweetness. I must try it!
