21 September 2010

My week in food

Although I haven't been cooking anything fabulous this week, I have been concentrating on fresh ingredients and healthy cooking.  The peach season up here is almost at an end, so you'll notice that all of my meals have peaches in them.  Thinking hard at this moment, I think peaches (fully ripe, local, summer peaches) may be my favorite food in the world.  (Okay, so that's an overstatement, but I just LOVE them!)  I'm trying to get my fill of them before they are gone for the year.  I thought I'd share with you what I've been eating this week to give you some inspiration in your own healthy meal planning.


Thursday:  1/2 c. oatmeal, a fresh peach, 1 c. whole milk, coffee.  Notice my little rooster milk pourer?  This week, I discovered it holds exactly 1 c. milk.  Not only is it darling, but it's a good way to portion control!

Friday:  The same breakfast but with Kambaa tea instead of coffee.  Kambaa is an extremely strong tea from Kenya.  My tea supplier gave me a sample of it.  It is very astringent, but I think I like it.  Milk smoothed the tea out.

Saturday:  Sensing a theme this week with oatmeal and peaches?  I served my oatmeal with 1/2 c. whole milk.  (My little cow pourer holds exactly 1/2 c.)

Sunday:  1 fried egg, 1 piece of whole wheat toast spread with 1 tsp. Vegemite, 1 peach, coffee with 1/2 c. whole milk

Monday:  3 Tbls. grits, 1 tsp. butter, 1 c. nonfat milk, 1 peach

Tuesday:  3/4 c. plain, whole milk yogurt, 1/3 c. muesli, 1 peach, coffee with 1 Tbls. half and half.


This week, I've been concentrating on incorporating a lean protein in each of my lunches to help satisfy my stomach until dinner

Wednesday:  Bowl of vegetable/chickpea/tomato soup I made from my Farmer's market haul.

Thursday:  Two egg omelette stuffed with chopped tomatoes, 1 piece of whole wheat toast spread with 1 tsp. Vegemite, 1 peach

Friday:  Tuna fish sandwich on whole wheat, 1 peach, 1/2 c. lowfat cottage cheese

Saturday:  Tuna fish sandwich on whole wheat, 1 peach, slices of tomato and cucumber, 1 Tbls. ranch dressing.

Sunday:  Last of the tuna on whole wheat bread, 1 peach, baby carrots and celery with 1 Tbls. ranch dressing.


Thursday:  Bowl of leftover vegetable/chickpea/tomato soup, steamed broccoli with 1 tsp. butter, salad with 1 Tbls. ranch dressing, 1/2 c. lowfat cottage cheese, 1/2 c. raspberries.

Friday:  1 pieces (1/3 pizza) of California Pizza Kitchen's BBQ chicken pizza, steamed broccoli with 1 tsp. butter, raw carrots with 1 Tbls. ranch dressing.

Monday:  Fully loaded turkey burrito (turkey breast strips, 1 Tbls. light sour cream, 2 Tbls. soy cheese, salsa with a Flatout flat bread) sauteed turnip greens (are they always that bitter?) 1/2 c. lowfat cottage cheese.

I hope this gave you some inspiration in your own meal planning.  As for me, the farmer's market is tomorrow and I'm praying I can get a few more weeks of peaches in.  Even though I've eaten them practically every meal for a week, I still haven't had my fill to last me until next summer.


  1. Delicious and healthy meals!

  2. Everything looks so fresh! I love your blog, It gives such a warm comforting feeling that's full of fresh food and not full of low fat, low calorie blah blah blah nasty processed crap.

  3. Yum, peaches are one of my favorites also. you've certainly come up with some healthy and yummy ways to incorporate them into breakfast, lunch and dinner. Whoever said they were only for dessert was wrong.

  4. I just love this post! So nice that you are sharing with us anad it all looks very healthy.

  5. I want some of the chickpea and tomato soup. :) I've been craving soup lately.

  6. I am dreading peach season being over too! Enjoy them while we can!

  7. Healthy and delicious! Love the pairing of fresh peaches for the meals....

    Sawadee from Bangkok,

  8. Obviously, I haven't been eating my share of the peaches. It sounds perfect with oatmeal.

  9. What a lovely table you set - all the food looks so tempting. Your husband must love sitting down to dinner!
